Friday, June 17, 2005

Voice in my head...

Self :Hmmm.... I'm craving for nasi lemak today....
VIH* :What? You just had one on Tuesday!
Self :Yah I know, but it's so yummy. The nasi, the sambal... the aroma!
VIH :Hello... Have you looked at yourself in a full length mirror lately? That bulge is by all means unsightly OK..
Self :Must you say that? Why can't you just love our body?
VIH :Uh huh.... and pray tell are you REALLY in love with your body now? hmmm?
Self :Erm.. well... i...
VIH :There..... so lay your hands off that nasi lemak. You can thank me later...

* VIH : Voice In Head


Julian said...

Remember the men's rules? 'Round' is also a shape... LOL!

(must remember to show up for breakfast with nasi lemak tomorrow...)

HandFullOfFlour said...

Oit.... must stuff my nose with the Vicks inhaler in the morning hahaha