Bend it like...
I knew it was going to start some day..
I saw it coming...
The news was getting hotter...
Yep all ye soccer loving fans cheer! EPL is back. The Astro remote has thus left my hands.
Hahahah OK I'm dramatizing! As a matter of fact, I decided to join my hubby in watching the matches. Perhaps I'll be able to understand or ... heaven forbid ... feel the euphoria of the game.
My football (or soccer) experiences are quite shallow. That odd final match during world cup or even some match that was stuck on telly coz my dad had the remote. In fact, I did catch Chelsea and Newcastle when they came over to Malaysia for the friendly.
I know the throw-ins, the corners, the cross and I think I understand the offside too... *grin.. chest slightly inflated*
So anyway, August 13th came... we made our schedule around the match. Manchester United VS. Everton. Hubby was rooted to the telly. I watched for 5 minutes, went to get something to drink, watched another 5 minutes, rearranged the stuff on the coffee table, watched another 5 minutes.. hehehe... you get the idea. Not that it was not interesting... I was just trying to keep myself awake.
Hehehe *sheepish grin* I don't remember the first goal. I only remember trying to spot my player of choice this season, Park Ji Sung. Why him? I don't know. He doesn't speak English, yet he's playing in the English Premier League? He's Asian? I admire his stamina? Perhaps all rolled into one.

My man of the match (yeah he looks a bit blur but hey he know's his left from right K!)
Anyhow... while watching the match (or the frightfully few minutes that I did), I think I've spotted the new Brylcream Boy!.... I think I must've been born with talent scouting .. er.. talents! Drumroll please........
No. 17 Tim Cahill from Everton
Click on image to view profile
He ran up and down the field, tackled players had a bit of roughhousing.... his jersey half tucked in, half yanked out... his hair? "Still standing"! ... Move over Beckham... Behold the newage Brylcream boy!
I fell asleep soon after and got shoo-ed up to bed by hubby. Oh well... I tried didn't I? Next match would be better.... really...
Late night footy matches? *sigh* That's all you guys need, more 'distractions' at bedtime...
Glory, Glory Man Unitedddd!!!!
Ya ya!!! Park kicks arse! And watch out Chelski!!! The 3 Rs (Rooney, Ruud and Ronaldo) are back in action!
- A Rabid Red Devil
i used to watch soccer matches kekeke but not any more... i would rather sleep these days :p
julian : And what else would I be doing at night? *ahem*
DH : yay... MU Fan.... hehehe
babe: hehehe.... see how long i can keep this up.... Glory Gloo--yawn--ry zzzzzzzz
it must have been loveee... but its over noww.......
tsk tsk tsk tsk
wah... another man utd fan...!!!
shook : Kekeke.... sing somemore, sing somemore...
edwin : yeah.. coz hubby MU Fan mar
poor baby. why bother? hahahah!! just buy him a couple of jerseys when he needs gift showering. :P
i TOTALLY understand all the things you need to be doing trying to watch a match with ur hubby at the SAME TIME.
but actually, i think they are fine being left alone with the tube =P hehehehehehe... *cheers*
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